Park Exploration + Rolling Down Hills Laughing

There’s really no better way to spend a day than spending time with family exploring the park. That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to move back to an Indy zip code instead of sticking around Greenfield. It’s a great community, just too far from family for spur of the moment outings like we had this day.

A few weekends ago, my sister was out of town with Jacie and my brother in law had my two nephews. After the long, ridiculous winter, I think everyone has been looking for ways to get outdoors. Since they’d spent two weeks in Florida for Spring Break (can’t you tell by their bright blonde hair and tan little selves!) and I’ve been so busy with house decorating, editing, work, life, etc., I hadn’t spent much time recently with the kiddos and thought I’d invite them on a park adventure. Of course, my cam tagged along with my new Canon 200mm 2.8. Not because the day was about taking photos, just enjoying the day and if a few photos were created to remember, then that’s fine too.

Rob and Jack love nothing more than to run around the woods point out gross things and getting dirty. My brother in law decided grill assembly could wait and tagged along too. We headed out to Southeastway Park where we explored trails and then ended our trip with Tom giving the kids a lesson on how to roll down a hill. (It was a little too muddy for me to join in on the fun). It was a good day.